• Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. (Mark Twain)

Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Compound German verbs based on "teilen" (Part one)

We have already learned that a lot of german verbs are formed by adding different prefixes to a basic verb. For example: Verbs based on "ziehen"verbs based on "lassen".
So I recommend you not only to learn the basic verb but to try to memorize all the other verbs that have the same root.
Today we will learn compound verbs based on "teilen". The notes "sep." and "insep." in the parenthesis stand for "separable" and "inseparable" and refer to the prefixes.

teilen - to share, to split, to divide
Ich teile mein Essen mit dir - I share my food with you

austeilen (sep) - to dish out, to give out, to pass out, to distribute
Er teilt die Arbeitsblätter aus - He hands out the work sheets

aufteilen (sep) - to split, to divide, to separate, do segment
Wir wurden in 2 Gruppen aufgeteilt - We were splitted into 2 groups

beurteilen (insep) - to judge, to asess, to evaluate, to criticize
Er beurteilt Menschen nur nach ihrem Aussehen - He judges people only by their appearance

einteilen (sep) - to arrange, to dispose, to grade 
sein Geld sorgfältig einteilen - to stretch the dollar

erteilen (insep) - to accord, to grant, to give, to issue
Genehmigung erteilen - to give authorization

mitteilen (sep) - to tell so. smth, to disclose, to communicate
Es tut uns leid Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass... - We regret to inform you that...

Diese Übersicht wird in zwei Posts aufgeteilt. Die Fortsetzung folgt. (to be continued)

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