• Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. (Mark Twain)

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

Come on, pal! Read this!

Somebody, who is learning German from abroad, doesn't get many chances to get acquainted with the German slang and the street-language. 
That's why here is the digest of slang expressions about friends and the clique.

(* = familiar, ** = very familiar, *** = vulgar, s = slang, Lit. = Literally)

Mein Kumpel (**) A mate, a good male friend.

Bruder (*) Male with the same ethnic or social background. Lit. Brother.

Schwester (*) Female with the same ethnic or social background. Lit. Sister.

Der Typ (*) Guy, bloke, both neutral and derogatory.

Der Fuzzi (s) Guy, bloke, derogatory.

Die Buddies, die Clique (s) Friends, circle of friends.

Die Zicke (s) Girl, bitch. Lit. She-goat.

Der Zickenstall (s) Ladies rest room. Lit. She-goats' stable.

Zickenalarm (s) Bitch alert. Lit. She-goats' alert.

Die Tussi, Puppe (s) A young woman, girlfriend, mostly derogatory.

Der Macker (s) A young man, boyfriend, mostly derogatory.

MOF (s) Short for Mensch ohne Freunde, Billy-no-mates, loner.

If you want to learn the pronunciation - there is an audio-version 

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