• Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. (Mark Twain)

Sonntag, 23. März 2014

Different phrases to describe your exhaustion

Unfortunately, sometimes everyone of us sometimes feels exhausted and desperate. Do you know how to describe this condition in German?

Ich bin hundemüde (**) I am tired (like a dog)

Ich bin kaputt, ausgelaugt, erschöpft (*) I am beat-up, pooped, exhausted

Ich bin total fertig (*) I'm totally exhausted.

Ich bin platt (**) I'm shattered. Lit. I'm flat.

Ich fühl' mich voll daneben (**) I'm not on track, I'm standing beside myself.

Ich bekomme es nicht auf die Reihe (**) I can't do it. I'm not able to get something going, to solve a problem. Lit. I cannot get it in a line.
Q: Was ist los mit dir? What's wrong with you?
A: Ich bin so fertig, ich bekomme nichts auf die Reihe. I'm so shattered, I can't get anything done.

(* = familiar, ** = very familiar, *** = vulgar, s = slang, Lit. = Literally) 

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