• Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. (Mark Twain)

Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014

There are bootlickers and flatterers in Germany too.

Schleimer/in (sl. Arschkriecher) - sweet-talker, flatterer, bootlicker 

schleimen - to fawn, to crawl

The word "Schleimer" derives from "Schleim" (mucus, slime) and describes in a derogatory way a person, who flatters somebody, to get advantages or sympathy.


- Du hast Frau Schmitz heute den ganzen Abend lang Komplimente gemacht. Magst du sie? (You have complimented Frau Schmitz all the evening long. Do you like her?)
- Nein, ich habe nur geschleimt, weil ich die Eintrittskarte zum Konzert von ihr brauche. (No, I've just crawled, because I need the concert tickets from her)

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