• Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German. (Mark Twain)

Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

Idioms and Expressions with "lassen"

blau anlaufen lassen
to temper (metal)
sich blicken lassen
to show one's face
einen lassen
to cut one, let one rip (vulgar)
die Kirche im Dorf lassen
to not get carried away, not over-do it ("leave the church in the village")
jdn im Stich lassen
to leave sb holding the bag, leave sb in the lurch
keine grauen Haare darüber wachsen lassen
to not lose any sleep over sth
kein gutes Haar an jdm/etw lassen
to pick sb/sth apart / to pieces

another posts to "lassen":

Compound verbs based on "lassen"


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